Wednesday 27 January 2010

There was a young man from Nantucket...

I interrupt this general work-related blog to post this, because it's funny and that. Email received this morning, and my reply:

Dear Mrs Duffy,
In the following e-mail I want to ask for your help. I am an IB student at Pangbourne College and I have the exercise to present some of your poems. I decided to work out in what way Mrs Midas is the key poem for the whole collection "the world's wife". Could you probably be so nice and help me with this exercise, because it is very important for my grades in english. I think it is very helpful if I had the opinion of the author. I hope you find time to help me.
With best wishes

Constantin D

Dear Constantin,

I am not the poet Carol Ann Duffy, but a graphic designer. And if you do manage to contact her, I think you’ll find her title, like mine, will be Ms and not Mrs.

Good luck with your studies,


Actual LOL there at some guy asking the POET to help write his essay for him. It's very important for his grades.

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